(no subject) Nancy Peterson 23 Apr 1996 08:37 EST

I informally surveyed members of this list and grants persons attending an
American Association of State Colleges and Universities (AASCU) annual
meeting in Washington, DC, a couple years ago.  The overwhelming response
was that a grants office belonged on the academic side of the institution
where the office would garner faculty respect and cooperation and could
focus on serving faculty first (instead of just generating dollars).

At 08:11 AM 4/22/96 -0400, you wrote:
>Question: What is the title of the individual to whom your director or head
>of Grants and Contracts/Office of Sponsored Projects/Programs reports? Does
>the office exist on the Academic side of the institution's org chart or on
>within the service and support realm?
>I'm not sure if a survey has been taken on this question and responses
>compiled. If so, would someone be kind enough to direct me to the information?
>Thanks much!
>Nancy Hutchinson
>Grant Development Specialist
>Office of Grants and Contracts
>Nova Southeastern University
>email: xxxxxx@nsu.acast.nova.edu

Live long and prosper.   >:-I

Nancy Kay Peterson
Director of Grants
Somsen Hall, Room 202-C
Winona State University
Winona, MN  55987
Phone:  507/457-5519
FAX:    507/457-5586
e-mail: xxxxxx@VAX2.winona.msus.edu