Indirect Cost Charges for Internal Funds Philip V Spina, CRA 09 Apr 1996 12:01 EST

Dear Colleagues,

I would be interested to learn of other institutions (particularly hospitals
that are involved in research) that charge indirect costs on research that
are conducted using internal (institutional) funds.  Of interest would be:

1.  Do you charge IDC on the basis of a percentage rate or on a square foot
(rental fee) basis?

2.  What rate do you charge?

3.  How did you determine the rate to be used?

4.  Do you make exceptions?  If so, what do you make exceptions for? ( new
faculty, bridge funding, etc.)  Who makes the decision to make an exception?

5.  Do you charge IDCs on gift funding received through your foundation or
development office?

6.  For those of you at hospitals, do you charge IDCs on funding provided to
your physician/researcher through his/her practice plan?

7.  How do you treat the recovered IDCs in a) your indirect cost study and
b) who has control over the recovered dollars?

Please send your responses directly to me at  I will post a
summary of responses to the list in a couple of weeks.  Thank you!

Phil -
Philip V. Spina, CRA
Administrative Director
Children's Memorial Institute for Education and Research
2300 Children's Plaza, Mail Box 205
Chicago, IL 60614
Phone:  (312) 880-8305
FAX:  (312) 880-3282