Graduate Stipend Levels Anita Quinn 08 Apr 1996 11:47 EST

OMB Circular A-21 requires that request funds for tuition expenses for
research assistants for those budget periods beginning after September 30,
1997, must treat the proposed tuition expenses for those budget periods as a
direct cost.

We are considering increasing graduate stipend levels across the board and
putting the money for tuition in the graduate students pocket.  Then we
would not have to budget for tuition dollars as a seperate line item in a
university accounts for GTA's, or a sponsored project account for GRA's.

I am curious as to how other universities are paying for supported graduate
student tuition.....Particularly on a sponsored project account....Is it
included in their stipend?....or paid for seperately?

Anita Quinn
Director of Research Services
Michigan Technological University
phone 906-487-2225
fax   906-487-2245