Fogarty renewals Evelyn Ford 05 Apr 1996 09:52 EST

We received a Fogarty International Research Fellowship award for one
year which concludes in about 8 weeks.  Although the brochure
distributed by the Fogarty Center indicates that extensions are not
available, the Fellow and his mentor on their own wrote a letter
about 4 weeks ago to the Fogarty Center requesting an additional year
of funding.  Not surprisingly, we've not yet had a response.  Before
we call them, I'd appreciate hearing from anyone who's had a Fogarty
award -- have you been able to get extensions?  And, if yes, were you
able to accomplish it as informally as these two have tried to do?

Thanks for your help.

Evelyn J. Ford, Research Administrative Manager
ASRI Neurosciences Research Center
Pittsburgh PA 15212  U.S.A.
412.359.4499 FAX   412.359.4475 voice