FAR 52.222 SERVICE CONTRACT ACT Norm Meeks 04 Apr 1996 09:01 EST

 To: IN21437 --POST

 *** Reply to note of 04/04/96 01:03
 From: Norm Meeks

 The question to be asked is NOT whether universities (or any other form of org-
 anization) comes under the requirements of the Act but whether the PRINCIPLE
 PURPOSE of the contract effort is to secure the SERVICES of SERVICE employees.
 If services employees are only incidentally required under any contract effort,
 i.e., R&D, support services, etc, the Act is generally not applicable.  Look to
 FAR 22.1006 (a) for examples of the types of contracts to which the Act may be
 applicable.  I have awarded contracts to universities under which the Act was
 incorportated.  For example, one of these contracts was for the operation of a
 pilot plant.

 Norm Meeks