Re: pre-award software systems Anne Der Hagopian 21 Mar 1996 09:23 EST

You may want to look into the SPAS system by InfoEd.
 You can reach their home page  through Netscape:
Gopher://   or on
SPIN WWW at url:   and get
information on how to join. Good Luck

Anne G. Der Hagopian, CRA
Director, Office of Sponsored Programs
Boston University Medical Campus
Tel:    617/638-4593
Fax:    617/638-4686

On Wed, 20 Mar 1996, Research Administration Discussion Group wrote:

> I am not a grant administrator, but I am looking for any information anyone
> might have regarding software packages to assist with the pre-award
>  tracking applicants, grants, deadlines awards etc.
> any information would be helpful.
> thanks