Indirect Rate survey Franci Farnsworth 07 Mar 1996 10:25 EST

We are about to get a new IDC rate and I would like to have information on
the rates at other predominantly undergraduate, liberal arts institutions
(we're BA 1 on the Carnegie scale).   Our current rate is 73% of S&W (which
includes fringe).  We'll be going to separate IDC and fringe rates for the
first time (still S&W base) -- rate still hasn't been finalized.

A second question (for ANY institution):  Does you institution contribute
into the retirement plan on base salary only or does it make contributions
for incremental salary (such as summer salary) too?

It would probably be more useful if you reply directly to me.  I'll
summarize and send the information to anyone who's interested.  The PUI
focus of this survey will not be of interest to many list readers.

Franci Farnsworth

Frances Vinal Farnsworth
Coordinator of Sponsored Research
Grants Office - Forest Hall
Middlebury College
Middlebury, VT 05753

phone:  802-388-3711x5889
fax:  802-388-6436