(fwd) Re: CRDF proposals Ruth Tallman 26 Feb 1996 16:02 EST

We are preparing several proposals to the Civilian Research and Development
Foundation for the Independent States of the Former Soviet Union (CRDF).  I'm
guessing there are some of you out there working on them, also, so I thought I
would pass along this informative response to my inquiry on U. S. Team
========================= Original Message =========================

Date: Sun, 25 Feb 1996 20:24:03 -0500

To: xxxxxx@lehigh.edu (Ruth Tallman)
From: informaion <xxxxxx@posh.internext.com>
Subject: Re: CRDF proposals

Thank you for your interest in the CRDF's Cooperative Grants Program.  The
deadline for proposal submission has been extended to March 15.  Attached is
a program update.  This is an ASCII document.  Please let us know if you
have further questions.

The "N/A" in the budget forms under the US team for the administrative fee
is an error on our part.  This is a US team expense.  In addition, you will
see that there is a place on the forms to request funds for expendable
equipment and supplies for the US team.  This is an allowable expense for
the US team and, again, an error on our part that it was not listed in the
narrative under allowable costs.  Hope this information helps.

At 12:14 PM 2/23/96 EST, you wrote:
>We are working on several proposals to your program.  We have a disagreement
>on the administrative fee for the U.S. institutions.
>The guidelines indicate that the allowable expenses for the U.S. participants
>are travel expenses for trips to the FSU institution and the administrative
>fee of $250 per visit to the U.S. institution by the FSU participants.  I
>assumed that the $250 per visit would be shown in the U.S. budget; however,
>the forms for Appendix B have "N/A" in the column under "US Team" and across
>from "Administrative Fee (to US host institution)".  Does this mean that the
>FSU should put the administrative fee in their budget?  If this is true, by
>what mechanism would the FSU pay the US the administrative fee?
>We tried to call with this questions but have not been able to get through.  I
>am hoping someone in your office will be able to respond to this question
>Thank you in advance for your assistance,
>Ruth Tallman
>Office of Research and Sponsored Programs
>Lehigh University
>526 Brodhead Ave.
>Bethlehem, PA  18015
>Phone: 610-758-3024
>E-Mail: xxxxxx@lehigh.edu

Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="DEADLI~1.TXT"

US Civilian Research & Development Foundation (CRDF)
January 31, 1996 (revised February 9, 1996)

The US Civilian Research & Development Foundation (CRDF) announces that the dead
line for submission of applications to the Cooperative Grants Program has been e
xtended to March 15, 1996.

The CRDF has extended this deadline in order to allow sufficient time for former
 defense researchers in Russia and Kazakstan to consult with their governments,
as well as to allow other researchers who have recently learned of the CRDF to s
ubmit applicati

Applicants from Russia and Kazakstan are kindly requested to pay careful attenti
on to the following points:

1.  The requirement for prior consultation by former defense scientists in Russi
a and Kazakstan was announced in Poisk on December 8, 1995.  This requirement pe
rtains only to scientists who had worked in the defense sector.  The Russian and
 Kazak science
ministries have assured CRDF that this required preliminary review for former de
fense scientists will require a maximum of one month.  All questions about the f
ormat and content of these preliminary proposals should be directed to the Russi
an and Kazak co
ntact points listed below.  Any resulting formal proposal to the CRDF from forme
r defense scientists must include a copy of the written authorization to proceed
 with the proposal.

2.  ALL applicants from ALL countries of the former Soviet Union must submit ten
 copies of their proposals (in English) directly to the CRDF by March 15, 1996.
 In addition, all applicants from Russia and Kazakstan are required to submit tw
o additional co
pies of their proposal to their respective Ministry of  Science by April 1, 1996
.   Proposals submitted to the Ministry of Science and Technology Policy of the
Russian Federation must include a Russian-language text of the abstract (part II
I(F)(2) of the
CRDF Cooperative Grants Program announcement) and project narrative (part III(F)
(3)).  These proposals will be reviewed by expert panels which will define the l
evel of additional financial support from the respective country.

3. The CRDF will accept  proposals with one original signature and one faxed sig
nature on the cover sheet (Appendix A) by the deadline of March 15, 1996.  Howev
er, the CRDF must receive by mail the original version of any faxed signatures b
y April 15, 199
6. Only proposals for which the CRDF has two original signatures by April 15, 19
96 will be permitted to undergo further review.

Gerson S. Sher                                          Gennadiy Kozlov
Executive Director, CRDF                                Deputy Minister of Scien
ce and
Technology Policy, Russian Federation

For Russian scientists, please contact:                         For Kazak scient
ists, please contact:
Gennadiy  Kozlov                                        Vladimir S. Shkolnik
Deputy Minister                                         Minister of Science
Ministry of Science and Technology Policy               Masanchi Str. 57a
Russian Federation                                      Almaty, 480012
Ulitsa Tverskaya, 11                                    KAZAKSTAN
Moscow, RUSSIA                                  Phone: (3272) 67-04-73
Phone:  (095) 229-47-74                         Fax: (3272) 62-44-11
Fax: (095) 230-28-23
