Re: H2 Calculate IRC on Proposal Norm Meeks 22 Feb 1996 09:10 EST

 To: IN21437 --POST

 *** Reply to note of 02/22/96 03:51
 From: Norm Meeks
 Subject: Re: H2 Calculate IRC on Proposal

 Rosemary, a number of very good points but I would add one cautionary note: as
 a general rule but a VERY good rule, cost sharing, cost matching, etc must
 gnerally be from NON-FEDERAL sources and must be documented in some manner.  It
 manners little where the funding comes from as long as it is non-federal.

 Also, a copy of the case you referred to would be interesting to have.  It can
 be sent to me at Mayo Foundation, 200 First Street SW, Rochester MN 55906 or
 faxed to 507-284-1772.

 Norm Meeks
 Mayo Foundation

 PS:  I don't know if you remember but I met you about two years ago when I visi
 ted the University.  Best memories are of Denali and the informal introductions
 to the residents of the park as in grizzily bears!