Re: H2 Calculate IRC on Proposal HILRY FISHER 21 Feb 1996 08:06 EST

> Date sent:      Tue, 20 Feb 1996 13:20:33 -0500
> From:           Research Administration Discussion Group
> Subject:        H2 Calculate IRC on Proposal
> To:             Multiple recipients of list RESADM-L
> Send reply to:  Research Administration Discussion Group
> Originally to:

> I am working on a proposal that involves in-kind contributions from
> my college, another college who is our collaborative partner, and
> $$ amounts from a sponsor. When calculating the indirect cost recovery,
> is it calculated against the total amount of the grant, or only  the
> portion we are requesting from the sponsor? Also, can you please give
> a justification for your answer. Thanks. Sorry this is such an elementary
> question.
> Sincerely,

> MJ Armstrong
> Coordinator, Sponsored Programs
> WV Graduate College
> (304)746-2519

The indirect costs are calculated on the amount that you are
requesting of the sponsoring agency because they represent actual
costs to be incurred by you in carrying out the project.  You can show
the indirect costs applied to the cost sharing portion as an
additional contribution.

H. Fisher
Director, Sponsored Research