Re: Salary survey Jackie Solberg 19 Feb 1996 10:31 EST

I have forwarded your messages on to the executive offices of SRA.  I
never received the survey results either.  Perhaps we will get an answer.
Jackie Solberg

On Fri, 16 Feb 1996, Research Administration Discussion Group wrote:

> At 08:34 AM 2/15/96 -0500, you wrote:
> >When the SRA sent out their recent salary survey, I was in transition with
> >regard to jobs and was in the process of moving to another state; thus, I
> >did not receive the mailing from SRA.  When I called to request another
> >copy, I was told that there would be a $15 charge since they had already
> >mailed me one copy.
> >
> >My question is -- could someone please mail or fax me a copy of the survey
> >results that  you received from SRA? A $15 charge for a copy seems to be a
> >little steep - or am I out of touch here??
> >
> >Thanks to anyone who can help.
> >MT. PLEASANT, MI 48859
> >E-MAIL:xxxxxx@CMICH.EDU
> >
> >Phone:  (517) 774-6777
> >Fax:  (517) 774-3439
> >
> I am an SRA member and I NEVER received a copy of the salary survey and I am
> also looking for one.  I faxed SRA asking how to get one and never got a
> response.  If anyone can tell me how to get one, I'd appreciate it.
> Mike Gilles
> Administrator, Sponsored Programs
> Research Services
> Phone (906) 487-2225
> FAX     "   487-2245