Seed or Development Grants
Karen Higgins 14 Feb 1996 04:54 EST
Our medical school is reevaluating how we provide seed
funding. I would like to find out how your institutions handle
internal seed or development funds, if they do at all. For
Does your institution provide seed money? The Univ. of Mississippi:
faculty small grants or summer grants ($4000 or less)
To whom? _X_new faculty only ___graduate students
_X__ "Established" Faculty with new ideas ___carry over funds
Do you require the departments to provide matching funds?
What are the requirements for submitting a proposal? Ex: 1)
Must have submit a grant through our office in the previous
year. 2) Must have a potential external funding source
proposal in hand 3) only consider proposals that have a pink
supposed to be a project that can then be funded externally
For how long may they apply? Ex: one year, two years...
depends, usually not more than 2 years in a row for new faculty
May an awardee apply for a second year? to continue the
project? or submit a new idea?
yes, but not as competitive
What requirements are on the awardee? Ex: they must
submit a external funding source proposal within the following
calendar year.
none, we would like for them to submit an external award
Do you use internal funds to advance research in another
manner? Ex: travel awards to external funding sources
yes, small awards to visit funding agencies, do collaborative
research, present research/creative activities at meetings
survey from: Deanna Parker Knapp
Director of Research Administration
University of Kansas School of Medicine- Wichita xxxxxx@kumc
Kathy Sukanek
Assoc. Director of Research, Office of Research
The University of Mississippi
125 Old Chemistry University, MS 38677
Tel: 601/232-7482 Fax 601/232-7577