Re: Assessment of Research Office Judy Onifer-Reino 13 Feb 1996 10:49 EST

The Office Of Sponsored Programs and Research at Bowling Green State
University constructed a five page survey which we distributed to our
faculty and staff last fall.  We asked university faculty and staff to
assess such things as on-line support, support services and materials, the
monthly newsletter,helpfulness of staff, etc. We had about a 10% response
rate and the information we recieved continues to be very helpful.  If you
are interested in receiving a copy of the survey please contact me.

>We are preparing to distribute a brief survey to the faculty to assess
>the effectiveness of our office.  Has anyone done such a survey in the
>past?  If so, would you be willing to share it with me?
>Please respond to me
>Thank you for taking the time to read and consider this.
>   Patricia C. Ryan, Ph.D.
>   Director, Grants and Sponsored Research
>   Room G 22-A    Stevenson Library
>   Lock Haven University of Pennsylvania  17745
>   717/893-2129  |  e-mail

Judy Onifer-Reino
Sponsored Programs and Research
Bowling Green State University
(419) 872-2481