Re: Assessment of Research Office Bob Beattie 09 Feb 1996 10:50 EST

Our sponsored projects office at the University of Michigan is being
reviewed by our Vice President.  During the course of the review,
we came to the question of standards of sucess.  Specifically
we were asked if there are regional, national, or international standards
of measuring success.  If not, what criteria are used to measure success.
Indeed, what is success?

I would be very interested in knowing if any group members know
of any set of standards that have been published or even suggested.
Lacking that, I wonder how others measure success.

Patricia mentions a survey as a way of measuring effectiveness.
We have considered a focus group of selected faculty.  In
either case, the crucial part is what to ask.  Perhaps
others would be willing to share what they think are (or use as)
measures of success.

Thanks much for help on this.
Bob Beattie
Division of Research Development and Administration
The University of Michigan

 ------ From: Research Administration Discussion Group, Thu, Feb 8, 1996

We are preparing to distribute a brief survey to the faculty to assess
the effectiveness of our office.  Has anyone done such a survey in the
past?  If so, would you be willing to share it with me?

Please respond to me

Thank you for taking the time to read and consider this.

   Patricia C. Ryan, Ph.D.
   Director, Grants and Sponsored Research
   Room G 22-A    Stevenson Library
   Lock Haven University of Pennsylvania  17745
   717/893-2129  |  e-mail