Colleagues, mark your calendars now to attend the combined
Northeast/Southern SRA Section meeting in Charleston, S.C., May 5-8.
Registration materials will be mailed in the next month, but for your
planning, we wanted to put out this advanced announcement.
The meeting site is the Sheraton Charleston; the room rate is $89
plus tax; the registration fee will be $185; half day workshops, of
which there are six, are $50 for a half-day, $85 if you attend in am
and pm. The workshops are on Sunday, May 5 and will be followed by
the opening keynote presentation, to be delivered by Barbara Mishkin,
on Monday am. There will be 18 concurrent sessions during Monday,
Tuesday and Wednesday (am) and 25 roundtable discussions to be held
during breakfast on Tuesday morning.
The topics for the workshops, concurrent sessions and roundtable
discussions are diverse and should be of interest to university,
industry, government, etc, members of SRA. But there will be some
time for fun, including opening reception and a dinner/dance.
Hope to see you there!
Ann R. Stevens,Ph.D.
Phone 404-727-2503
Fax 404-727-2509
Emory University