Re: Who Does Your Web Lisa Richman 06 Feb 1996 08:35 EST

Becky, et al.:

Your comments are well understood by me, in that I once served on a
committee dedicated to establishing a method for we-monitoring (making sure
the web page is up to date and at least SOMEWHAT reflective of the true
institutional focus.
I was for a form of centralization providing format control to the PA
department and content control (with PA oversight) to the departments.

My reasoning:

1.  Lack of time/business need to learn HTML and maintain information
2. Public affairs has little or no control over the overall content/quality
3.  A homepage TO an institution is like a front door... following pages
should coordinate with the original, have common formats and themes
(allowing the  user to quickly access information).
4.  Web pages are part of marketing and information dissemination, thus
should be produced (or at least managed) by the PA department.

How to do it?  Actually, most of the documents that most offices/departments

care to display on web-pages are in some sort of electronic format (Word,
etc.)... pass the format along to the PA department which assigns
appropriate HTML codes and updates to the web.  As your information changes,

a revised electronic copy goes to the PA department.  In this way, you
maintain control of the content, while the "PA" document design and
publishing goes to the Public Affairs experts.

As a note: I left the medical school prior to implementation.... ooops...

Have fun!

Lisa RIchman
RAMS, Inc.