Academic vs. Administrative Glenda Luecke 29 Jan 1996 11:19 EST

My institution is looking into placing the Research office and the
Accounting office under the Vice Chancellor for Administrative Services.
Presently the Office of Research Services that reviews and mails proposals,
negotiates contracts, processes awards, certifications, etc. takes
direction from the Academic Vice Chancellor.  Our Grants Accounting office
that sets up new accounts, invoices, general accounting of grant funds,
etc. answers to the Administrative Vice Chancellor.

It is my belief that the two offices should remain separated.  I feel that
if the Research Office were to be placed under the Administrative side of
things that the emphasis would be more tuned to "bringing in the bucks"
rather than concentrating on the research.  How do you feel about this?

How is your institution set up?  Are the two offices together?  If they are
separate, do they both answer to the same Vice Chancellor/Dean?  If they
are separated, why?

Any light you can shed on this subject would be greatly appreciated.

Glenda A. Luecke, Coordinator    Voice:  (573)341-4135
Office of Research Services      Fax:    [573]341-4126
University of Missouri-Rolla     EMail:
101 ME Annex
Rolla, MO  65409-1330