NSF Deadline Date Clarification Lou Pellegrino 26 Jan 1996 14:32 EST


Jean Feldman in the NSF Grants Policy Office has asked me to post
this clarification about NSF deadlines to the RESADM-List.

Lou Pellegrino
Purdue Research Foundation

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I've heard through the "grapevine" that there may be some confusion in
the area of NSF deadline date extensions during the last shutdown
period.  This message is intended to help eliminate this confusion as
well as point to sources of information which may be useful in
locating any future changes to announced deadline dates.

The Policy Office, Division of Contracts, Policy & Oversight, posted a
notice on RESADM (as well as other electronic sources) on December 18,
1995, notifying the various NSF communities that the NSF mailroom
would remain open during the shutdown period.  All mail (including
proposals) received during the shutdown period was segregated by
receipt date and processed after NSF returned to normal operations.
Previously established deadline dates for NSF program
announcements/solicitations which fell DURING the shutdown remained in
effect. More than 2500 proposals were received during the shutdown

Now that NSF has returned from the lengthy furlough, program offices
are assessing the impact of the shutdown on their programs.  They may
determine that an extension to a previously announced deadline,
scheduled to fall AFTER the shutdown, may be warranted.

One such example is the NSF NATO Postdoctoral Fellowships in Science
and Engineering including Special Fellowship Opportunities for
Visiting Scientists from Cooperation Partner Countries (NSF96-9) which
has been extended from January 22, 1996 to February 22, 1996.

To obtain NSF Post-Shutdown information, including announcements of
extensions, please refer to the NSF Post-Shutdown Information section
on the NSF Home Page on the WWW (http://www.nsf.gov).  In addition,
the February/March NSF Bulletin is also an excellent source for
official announcements of any programmatic changes.

Questions regarding specific program announcements/solicitations
should be directed to the cognizant program office.

Jean I. Feldman
Deputy Head, Policy Office
Division of Contracts, Policy & Oversight
National Science Foundation
Phone: 703-306-1243
FAX: 703-306-0280
E-Mail: xxxxxx@nsf.gov