Have I missed something or has NSF extended some of their deadlines
due to the recent furlough? I have been receiving calls for the past
two days from investigators saying they've heard NSF has extended
some of their deadlines. I have not seen an official notice on this.
I am specifically interested in the Biological Sciences Directorate.
I did read the memo sent out by Jean Feldman on the operation of the
mailroom and took that to mean no extensions. NSF posted to the WWW
a section on post-shutdown deadline extensions which has only one program
listed. Are we to assume all extensions will be posted here? If anyone has
had contact with NSF regarding the extension of target or deadline dates, please
enlighten me. Thanks in advance.
*Cindy Burroughs xxxxxx@OVPR.UGA.EDU*
*Grants Coordinator*
*Division of Sponsored Programs*
*The University of Georgia, 622A Boyd GSRC, Athens, GA 30602-7411*
*(706)542-5939 Fax: (706)542-5946*