Re: Duplicate Messages Steve Hoagland 20 Jan 1996 11:45 EST

Liz, would you clarify your message about the BITNET gateway?  I have
sent numerous messages to you attempting to resolve the duplication
problem I am experiencing.  I have one address on the Health list and
am awaiting a reply back from the Albany listserver.  It could be that
I have one of those concealed addresses to which Doug made reference.
I agree with Rebecca Bacon that it is annoying, especially when one has
been attempting to resolve the problem (sole handedly) for over three
weeks now.

Glad to see you did not leave the face of the earth afterall.  Again, your
help will be most appreciated.  For those who keep receiving my messages
regarding this problem, my apologies offerred!


Steve Hoagland

PS - Is there now a delay in posting of messages?  I get them overnight
whereas before they seem to be immediate.  Please advise.  Thanks.