Re: responses to Paul Benson's request for input about fac research
interest databases
Besides investigating the database structure to house the information, it's
important to remember that the resource is only as good as its information,
i.e. someone has to make sure it's accurate and current. Even with easier
data entry formats like web forms, faculty aren't usually willing to update
their data on a regular basis.
Also, if you consider paying for a commercial product like COS, be sure
your information dissemination needs are not restricted by their contract.
Will you be able to use the database output as freely as you wish? Who will
have access to the database (is it for internal or external use)?
Another thing to consider is integration of the database with other campus
information resources. For example, faculty profile databases may be a
component of personnel or other administrative systems, as well as
departmental databases. Are your systems redundant? Faculty might balk at
having to supply information to more than one system.
Wendy Farkas
Director, Research Opportunities Office
Virginia Tech Research & Graduate Studies
311 Burruss Hall, Blacksburg, VA 24061-0244
Phone: (540) 231-9353 Fax: (540) 231-4384