Re: faculty research profile software Anne Der Hagopian 12 Jan 1996 14:23 EST

Have you heard about the new GENIUS initiative, underway at InfoEd (SPIN
and SPAS providers), which was announced at the NCURA meeting in D.C.?
The GENIUS system is to open on the WWW in the spring and sounds to be an
interesting new resource.
GENIUS (Global Expertise Network for Industry, Universities and Scholars)
is intended to provide institutions with a WWW (faculty-maintained)
profile system which can be searched by faculty, industry, etc. - all
over the world. It is also designed to support electronic research
administration and proposal submission.

The best part is that the system is FREE to SPIN users AND particularly
important, InfoEd will not copyright, restrict, in effect own,  your
institutional profiles.  Worth looking into!

Also, the system has a component called SMARTS (SPIN Matching and
Researcher Transmittal System) which allows for automatic matching of the
investigator profiles with SPIN funding information and daily email
dissemination directly to individual faculty (for a

Additionally, with all the international movement at InfoEd (SPIN
Australia now in every Australian university, SPIN Canada, SPIN UK,
etc.), GENIUS should prove to be quite GLOBAL!   It may be worth to
checking it out.  We are planning on giving it a try.

Anne G. Der Hagopian, CRA
Director, Office of Sponsored Programs
Boston University Medical Campus