Re: Research Administrators funding Diana Demers 11 Jan 1996 08:44 EST

I can supply a survey of the formula various institutions use to divide
Indirect Costs.  I will send you a hard copy since the electronic version
does not transmit well.

Please send your mailing address directly to

Diana Demers
Grants/Contracts Administrator
Keene State College

>Our University is changing the way the funding to our centers is being
>handled.  We will be given only small amounts of support based on our I.C.
>recovery.  This means that our research administrators in the depts. and
>centers will lose their support.  I know that in other Universities these
>individuals are being written into the grants for support.  Can anyone give me
>some info on how this is done, i.e. what justification is given, ceiling on
>the dollar amount, backup necessary for audit and just about anything you can
>tell me.  Any suggestions or info you can provide is desparately needed.