Re: Orynx Grants Collection Tony Boccanfuso 08 Jan 1996 16:40 EST

We just tried Oryx (on a trial basis) and I was favorably impressed with
it;  we use SPIN as opur workhorse but I found Oryx to be complmentary to
SPIN and very user-friendly

Tony B

>I've always liked the Orynx Press Directory of Research Grants and was
>wondering if anyone out there has tried their KR Information OnDisc Grants
>Data Base.  Is it worth the $850?  How user freindly is it?  Do you have
>suggestions for other sources offering similar (Directory of Research
>Grants) info?
>Live long and prosper.   >:-I
>Nancy Kay Peterson
>Director of Grants
>Somsen Hall, Room 202-C
>Winona State University
>Winona, MN  55987
>Phone:  507/457-5519
>FAX:    507/457-5586

Anthony M. Boccanfuso, Ph.D.
Office of Sponsored Programs and Research
Bowling Green State University
Bowling Green, Ohio 43403
419-372-2481; 419-372-0304 (fax)