Re: Federal Regs - Faculty Salary
Rosemary H. Ruff 03 Jan 1996 20:45 EST
I think you might be referring to OMB Circular A-21 Cost Principles for
Educational Institutions. See Section J.8.e (identified as Section
J.6.e prior to 10/3/91) Salary rates for faculty members. Generally
speaking, faculty are limited to their total annual salary from all
sources (except of course those activities they pursue outside the
institution - another story with a caveat regarding Conflict of Interest
Policies). However, there are exceptions to this. My institution has
a separate personnel/payroll category for these cases which we call
"faculty overload." We always clearly identify any such overload in the
proposal budget and provide an appropriate justification. We've not had
any problems with agency approval so far.
Hope this helps.
Rosemary Ruff
Proposal Officer
School of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences
University of Alaska Fairbanks
Fairbanks, AK 99775-7220
VOICE: (907) 474-6735
FAX: (907) 474-7204