Indirect Cost Policy for non-federal funding sources -Reply
William Campbell 26 Dec 1995 17:05 EST
Robin, the Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin have
commanded that we always request the maximum IDC the funding
organization will pay up to our HHS-negotiated rate. Consequently we
always request the federal rate (for us at UW-River Falls, that is
currently 44% of salaries and fringe benefits) unless the funding
organization has a written policy saying they will only pay whatever, in
which case we request whatever.
There are obvious disadvantages to this policy, but it has the advantage
of being fixed. I would worry that a sliding scale as you propose would
encourage grantors (and PI's) to always try to negotiate a lower rate. It
also would cast some doubt on the accuracy of your federally-negotated
rate. If I were the feds, I would ask why you don't use a sliding scale
with my agency too?
Regards, Bill Campbell