Re: Request for help! Jo Meyertons 21 Dec 1995 09:06 EST

Jacquelyn - we have a printed copy and will be faxing the forms to you
shortly.  There appear to be two forms that are specific to this
announcement.  Have a great holiday! -Jo Meyertons, UMCP-ORAA
> Does anyone have a PRINTED copy of NSF 96-9, NSF/NATO Postoctoral Science
> Fellowships?  I can't get a copy from NSF because they are closed due to
> the shut down. We are working with a University in Hungary, so we need it
> All we need is the special form that is included in the printed version,
> but not the online version.  If you have a copy, could you please fax the
> form to me?  Our fax number is (602)965-7164.
> Thanks for the help!
> Sincerely,
> Jacquelyn Krones
> Research Information Manager
> Arizona State University
> (602)965-6793