Re: Post-Docs Barbara McKinley 01 Dec 1995 16:10 EST


Several years ago, we developed the following descriptions to differentiate
between postdoctoral individuals  and research associates.  We now reserve
the research associate designation for career researchers - whereas,
postdocs are always to refer to trainees.   We indicated general periods of
time, but we do not have real restrictions on these positions.  I have
appended our definitions for your review.

POSTDOCTORAL FELLOW:  A postdoctoral fellow is a trainee who holds a
doctoral degree and is enrolled in an organized training program under the
guidance of a specific faculty mentor.  These programs are for a limited
period of time, generally three or four years, although appointments can be
as short as six months or as long as seven years.  The  individual is the
recipient of a stipend, funded wholly or in part by a training grant,
individual fellowship or other non-Federal source.   Baylor College of
Medicine has two classifications of Postdoctoral Fellow, Postdoctoral Fellow
(MD) and Postdoctoral Fellow (PhD).

POSTDOCTORAL ASSOCIATE:  A Postdoctoral associate is a trainee who holds a
doctoral degree and performs necessary work in a research program under the
guidance of a specific faculty mentor.  These positions are for a limited
period of time, generally three or four years, although appointments can be
as short as six months or as long as seven years.   The individual can be
paid wages from sponsored research funds, non-sponsored funds, departmental
funds, or a combination of sources.

RESEARCH ASSOCIATE:  Acting for the principal investigator, a research
associate plans, coordinates, performs and/or directs responsible research
work of an advanced nature that requires reliance upon skills and expertise
acquired through actual laboratory experimentation. The individual uses own
initiative or supervises others in planning and completing advanced medical
or research experiments.  The position is reserved for career researchers.
 It is a staff position and carries full benefits.

Hope this helps.

Barbara W. McKinley, Administrator
Division of Molecular Virology
Baylor College of Medicine
voice mail: 713-798-3154
fax: 713-798-5075


From: Research Administration Discussion Group
To: Multiple recipients of list RESADM-L
Subject: Post-Docs
Date: Friday, December 01, 1995 2:29PM

 We are trying to get a better handle on how we deal with Post
fellows at this institution and I would appreciate hearing how others deal
with a number of issues related to this position.
 1)  Do you have a specific title or titles that you utilize in your
personnel system to designate someone as a post-doc?
 2)  Do you have any restriction on how long someone can remain a
in a post-doc position? Obviously the individual could leave the
but can some make a career out of being a post-doc at your institution?
 3)  Do you have LOWER and UPPER limits on the salary allowable for
post-docs supported by other means than NIH training grants?

Doug Wilkerson, Ph.D.           VOICE:  (419) 381-4252
Assoc. V.P. for Research        FAX:    (419) 381-4262
Professor of Pharmacology       e-mail: xxxxxx@GEMINI.MCO.EDU
Medical College of Ohio
3000 Arlington Ave.
Toledo, OH 43614