Re: Indirect Cost Distribution Policy Linda Patton 22 Nov 1995 10:11 EST

Thanks for your reply. I'm quite familiar with the former article; I will
review the latter.

Per your request, I am forwarding your reply to all recipients.

Linda W. Patton, Director               E-Mail:
Office of Sponsored Programs            Phone:  619/260-6825
University of San Diego                 FAX:    619/260-2225
5998 Alcala Park, Maher Hall #278
San Diego, CA 92110-2492

On Wed, 22 Nov 1995 wrote:

> Linda,
> >We currently have no subject policy at our institution, but there is
> >a growing interest among the active researchers to have one
> >established.  Consequently I am seeking copies of such a policy from
> >institutions which have one.  I'm also requesting that you share any
> >experiences or thoughts related to its use, effectiveness and/or
> >impact.
> I've been doing a bit of research on this topic and would like to
> hear from others on the list.  So I would appreciate it if everyone
> who contributes can do so generally to the list.  My contribution?
> You may find the following articles of interest:
> 1) "Comparison of the fringe benefits requested for postdoctoral
> investigators and junior faculty by 19 research institutions", by
> Lynne Bowers and Vickie Leon; SRA journal v26n1 pp: 17-21, ISSN:
> 1062-8142.
> 2) "The pivotal role of the academic health center", by Gerard
> Anderson, Earl Steinberg and Robert Heyssel; Health Affairs v13n3,
> pp: 146-158, ISSN: 0278-2715.
> The former speaks to university basic research and the latter to
> Academic Health Centers and the role of the diminishing surplus of
> patient care revenues in cross subsidation of R&D/teaching
> activities.
> Hope this helps...and happy thanksgiving to all.
> Cheers,
> Bill