Re: IRB review of class projects Barbara Gray 09 Nov 1995 09:37 EST

Pur IRB has decided not to review student research projects.  A student
research project is defined as "a project which is a normal part of the
student's coursework; is supervised by a faculty member; has as its primary
purpose the development of the student's research skills; does not present
more than minimal risk to participants or to the student investigator; and
is not genuine research which is expedted to result in publication or some
other form of public dissemination."

If the project does not meet this definition, the student must have a
faculty sponsor for IRB review.  Together, they may apply for exemption
under the exemption criteria or, as necessary, go forward with an expedited
or full review.

Our IRB recently received a complaint regarding a class research project.
>The project involved collecting data for instructional purposes (a statistical
>demonstration), rather than for research purposes as defined by the CFR.
>In discussions at conferences, I have heard from other campus which do
>review some or all class projects.  Unfortunately, no names stuck in my
>mind at the time.  If anyone from a campus that does review instructional
>projects would be willing to respond, I would like to find out what triggers
>an IRB review, who must file (each student or just the faculty member), and
>who reviews the project on your campus.  Thanks.
>Holly Carpenter
>Faculty Research & Development
>California State University, Fullerton

Barbara H. Gray                           Telephone:  803-963-5673
Director of Sponsored Programs            FAX:        803-953-1434
University of Charleston, SC              e-mail:
Charleston, South Carolina  29424