IRB review of class projects -Reply William Campbell 06 Nov 1995 14:05 EST

Our IRB reviews both research projects and demonstration or teaching
projects.  We have different cover sheets for each sort of protocol.  The
instructor is responsible for requesting IRB review of
demonstration/teaching projects.  We make regular announcements of
the requirements for IRB approval in our faculty/staff newsletter, but I'm
sure there are folks who ignore it.  Whenever I get the chance I tell
faculty/staff that if their demonstration backfires and they are sued, the
university will only defend them if they have received IRB approval of
their projects.   That's helped a little.

On a few occasions, a faculty member has required each member of the
class to file a protocol with the IRB, even though a single umbrella course
approval might have sufficed.  They do it to familiarize their students with
the IRB process.  I think it's a good learning experience for students who
are going into the human services, for instance.

There is a little information about our IRB available through our homepage
(  I'm still working on making
the manual available that way.

If you have more questions about our procedures, feel free to email me.

Bill Campbell
Director, Grants & Research
UW-River Falls