Basic Training Oppotunity for Sponsored Program Administrators
Bob Wolfson 26 Oct 1995 13:17 EST
The Center for Grant and Contract Studies announces its "Project Costs
and Proposal Budgeting Conference" to be held in Atlanta, Ga. on
November 15 - 18, 1995. Topics include:
Allowable and Unallowable Cost
Salaries and Wages
Compensated Absences
Fringe Benefits
Tuition Remission
Consistent Cost Treatment - CAS
Documentation Standards - CAS
Proposal Budgeting
Recharge Centers
The goal of this comprehensive three and one-half day program is for
participants to take home a better understanding of :
How to determine the allowability of cost
How to document costs to avoid audit problems
How to better recover your institution's DIRECT costs
The relationship of proposal budgeting to cost recovery and the kinds of
costs that are potentially recoverable
Cost Accounting Standard 501
For more information contact The Center for Grant and Contract Studies,
c/o University of Oklahoma, 1000 Asp Avenue, Room 210, Norman, OK
73019-0430, Phone: 405-325-7091, Fax: 405-325-7229, or e-mail: