We are in the process of assessing its usefullness now. So far we have
not made a decision, but so far the main value seems to be in its
packaging service. That is, we could obtain most of the info Community
of Science provides ourselves since it is linked to already existing
public gophers, but the way Community of Science provides this
information, via its own database/forms mechanism, could be attractive.
One problem we've noticed is that they have been slow to remove old data -
any University of Maryland at College Park info you might see is X years
old (we've been told they are working on this problem). If you want more
information, their WWW address is:
Their phone number is 410/563-5380.
Jo Meyertons
> I would be most appreciative if those of you who have experience with
> an online service called "Community of Science" could provide your
> assessment of its usefulness, etc. Additionally, I would be grateful
> for information about this service, what it offers, how to subscribe,
> etc.
> Thank you
> Catharine Crea
> Office of Research Administration
> New York Medical College
> Valhalla, NY 10595
> voice: (914)993-4480
> fax: (914)993-4696
> email: xxxxxx@nymc.edu