Re: NCURA Region VII members!! Beyea, Donna L. 17 Oct 1995 07:03 EST

I think this is a great idea.  Having recently been a "new member", I would
have loved to have someone show me the ropes.  More Regions should think
about doing this.  Unfortunately I can't help out this year.  Budget won't
allow for my attendance this time.  Have fun and I'll be thinking of you.
To: Multiple recipients of list RESADM-L
Subject: NCURA Region VII members!!
Date: Monday, October 16, 1995 3:03PM

I'm looking for volunteers to be "buddies" to new Region VII members at
NCURA (only 3 weeks away!!).  As an "experienced" NCURA participant, you
would 1) contact your buddy prior to NCURA, 2) answer any questions s/he may
have about about the conference, hotel, attire, etc., 3) arrange to meet
with your buddy early in the conference, 4) possibly share a lunch or
dinner, and 5) introduce them to others.

Please send your enthusiastic, positive responses to me directly.


 Judy Fredenberg
 Research Administration, UH116          email:
 The University of Montana          
 Missoula, MT 59812              FTP:,  cd to: user/fred
 406-243-6670                                                Fax:

 If it weren't for the last minute, a lot of things wouldn't get