Re[2]: Meaning of Doing More with...? Bill Kirby 12 Oct 1995 08:37 EST

I think the topic has EVERYTHING to do with research administration.
How can we speak of research administration WITHOUT speaking about
management theory? As Dr. Deming would say, "Management <read
Administration> is overhead". In a very perverse way, our vision
should be to put ourselves out of business! I'm reminded of a manager
in the Virginia Office of Taxpayer Assistance who proudly recounted
how successfully the office was handling the increased number of
telephone calls with a limited staff. My comment was that I was sorry
to hear that!

Often, when I hear the term "do more with less" coming from the "box"
above me it carries an implicit warning (whether intended or not). I
prefer an older cliche: "Bigger bang for the buck!"

Bill Kirby

______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________
Subject: Re: Meaning of Doing More with...?
Author:  Research Administration Discussion Group
<xxxxxx@albnydh2.bitnet> at NOTE
Date:    10/11/95 12:08 PM

I don't understand why anyone is even responding to these topics that
have nothing to do with our profession.  This is a research admin.
discussion group not a management theory group.  There are enough
topics and situations to discuss in our field, we should not be
flooding peoples e-mail with nonsense, or responses to marketing
scams.  I don't know about anyone else but I have too much work to do
to pay attention to meaningless discussions.  That is all I will say,
I am dropping this topic for good!!!!