>From: "P. Scott Morris" <xxxxxx@UIUC.EDU>
>Subject: DOE Forms
>X-To: xxxxxx@albnydh2.bitnet
>To: Multiple recipients of list RESADM-L <xxxxxx@ALBNYDH2.BITNET>
>Has anyone seen the Department of Energy forms package available in a
>spreadsheet or word processing program? I would appreciate any help in
>locating such a program.
>Thanks in advance.
>Scott Morris
>University of Illinois
>Department of Nuclear Engineering
>211 Nuclear Engineering Laboratory
>103 South Goodwin Avenue
>Urbana, IL 61801-2984
>Phone: (217) 244-4949
>Fax: (217) 333-2906
>e-mail: xxxxxx@uiuc.edu
Go to http://engineer.tamu.edu/tees/trs/form.html
This contains forms for DOE (among others) in MS Word 6.0 and Excel 5.0.
Jean H.
Jean N. Humphries
Director, Research Services
Texas Engineering Experiment Station
Texas A&M University System
006 Wisenbaker Engineering Research Center - MS 3406
College Station TX 77843-3406
Phone: (409) 845-1264
Fax: (409) 845-9643
Email: xxxxxx@tamu.edu
WWW URL: http://engineer.tamu.edu/tees/trs/