Re: Meaning of Doing More with...? Charles E. Graham, Ph.D. 11 Oct 1995 13:43 EST

While the first response to demands placed on research administrators to
"do more with less" tend to be negative (often with good reason, as
others have pointed out) I think it is worth looking for a positive

A good manager ought always to seek greater efficiency in his operation,
and certainly there is a national emphasis to do just that recently. It is
not a bad idea to look at one's operation once in a while, to see what
tasks have outlived their usefulness, can be simplified, or automated
using the computer. It has been most people's experience that such
opportunities to increase efficiency often can be found.

So to me, "doing more with less" (optimistically) means refining the
operation to achieve greater efficiency. If one has been proactive in doing
this, one may be in a better position to resist budget cuts that will force
one to do "less with less".

 * Charles E. Graham, PhD.                  xxxxxx@UNIX1.SNCC.LSU.EDU *
 * Director, Office of Sponsored Research               504-388-8692 *
 * 117D David Boyd Hall, Louisiana State University     FAX 388-6792 *
 * Baton Rouge, LA 70810                                             *