I may already know the answer, but my question is: are magazine
subscriptions an allowable cost on federal research grants ?
A-21 says that an institution's subscription to business, professional
and technical periodicals are allowable. The issue has arisen as to
whether a computer/technology magazine called "Wired" falls into
the A-21 category. Does this fall into the "iffy" category? Will
someone (in particular the faculty member who wants this from his
grant account) be ready to have a bad day?
Any comments or suggestions welcome.
+ Tim Sparklin, Grants Manager +
+ University of Maryland Baltimore County +
+ Office of the Dean, Arts and Sciences +
+ Tel: (410) 455-2737 +
+ Fax: (410) 455-1095 +
+ E-mail: xxxxxx@umbcadmn.umbc.edu +
+ +
+ "Reality is for those who can't handle Star Trek" +
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