Nancy Kay Peterson asks:
>We would like to use some of our indirect cost funds to pay for on-campus
>training of administrators and faculty in the team approach to management.
>The training would not be related to any particular grant project. As I
>read A-21, this should be an allowable cost. Can anybody out there confirm
>my conclusion?
Indirect costs represent expenditures already made by your
institution for which you are being reimbursed. You can then spend
those funds anyway that is allowable by your institution. What A-21
is referring to is the inclusion of allowable staff training expenses
in the indirect cost pool - thus making these expenditures eligible
for reimbursement (assuming you are a long form institution).
Richard H. Moore
Assistant Vice President for Grants and Sponsored Research
and Professor of Biology
Coastal Carolina University E-MAIL:
P.O. Box 1954 VOICE: (803) 349-2050
Conway SC 29526 FAX: (803) 349-2990