Re: Civic Education Project Kevin Crosby 02 Oct 1995 12:22 EST

The brochure I have from the Civic Education Project describes it as "a year
of volunteer service similar to the Peace Corps."  CEP will place lecturers
in various universities around Eastern Europe and Russia, and the lecturers
will become full members of their host department.
Participants receive a local salary that will cover part of their living
expenses and a monthly stipend from CEP to cover other living costs.  Living
conditions are described as "no-frills basic," which may not be terribly
attractive to many researchers.
The focus is on using US faculty to help their host university revise
curriculum, help build stronger universities/libraries, develop teaching
materials in local languages & create networks through which scholars &
government officials can interact.
They've got lots o'info on their Web site, at (I think that's right, but no guarantee).
Kevin Crosby
Office of Sponsored Programs & Research
DePaul University