Demonstration Project Overhead
Becky Evans 19 Sep 1995 19:00 EST
In a recent proposal to HRSA-MCHB (this one in particular was a Ryan
White-Title IV grant), we requested both our on and off campus
overhead rates relative to the costs requested. The instructions
state we should use our "other sponsored program/activities" rate
and not our research rate. We only have two negotiated rates -
on an off-campus rates which apply to both research and instruction.
Now that we have received our award, the agency is saying they will
only award us the 26% rate since this is a "demonstration project".
This is about the 3rd or 4th time we've run up against this issue
when at the award stage they want to only give us our lowest rate.
Can anyone educate me on the demonstration project overhead
Becky Evans
Gifts, Grants, & Contracts
Washington University School of Medicine
phone 314-362-6876