Re: National Academy of Sciences
Olivia Pope 18 Sep 1995 06:28 EST
Diana - This looks like the same message you sent eariler. Am I crazy or
are you. Have a good week - Mrs. Assistant Director who would be much
happier working with your old friend and buddy. -op
>We have four research projects under the National Cooperative Highway
>Research Program and we're collecting full indirect costs.
>We have one research project under the National Research Council,
>Transportation Research Board (IVHS-IDEA Program) and are collecting full
>indirect costs.
>We have two travel grants under the National Research Council (Office for
>Central Europe and Eurasia) under which we are not allowed to collect any
>indirect costs. The two programs are COBASE (Collaboration in Basic Science
>and Engineering) and CAST (Cooperation in Applied Science and Technology).
>On all of the programs listed above, we were able to get written program
>guidelines from the agency.
Olivia Pope
Director of Contracts and Grants
Florida State University
2035 East Dirac Dr, 109 HMB
Tallahassee, Florida 32310
Voice phone (904)644-5260; Fax phone (904) 644-1464