Re: Citizen Ambassador Program Erin Booth 12 Sep 1995 11:18 EST

One of our researchers went on a CAP trip -- this one to the Czech
Republic & Russia.  She's Canadian (no dual citizenship, as far as I
know), so certain programs may not be limited to US citizens.  No
funding is provided by CAP -- they organize the excursion.  Our
researcher found it valuable for several reasons -- the most
important of which was for the contacts she made.  Ultimately, she
cultivated these contacts into a substantial international research
project, along with some of her colleagues here at U of W.  Part of
her costs for the CAP trip were paid through a University grant --
with the understanding that this was seed money with a longer term
pay-off -- and it's starting to pay off now.  The benefit of the
investment is starting to outweigh the cost; but I doubt that
the University will support these endeavours much in the future,

Erin Booth