Federal Government Shut Down - October 1, 1995 Bob Wolfson 06 Sep 1995 07:48 EST

What, if anything, is your institution doing to proactively prepare for the
possibility of a federal govt. shut down?  I'm particularly interested in
your thinking about sponsored programs conducted at a government
facility or that use government equipment (i.e. computers).  If you are
denied access after 9/30, how can you meet the deliverables of the
agreement?  If the govt. suspends work, are you planning to terminate or
suspend your graduate research assistants and other employees
supported by the program?

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Bob E. Wolfson ; Executive Director
Old Dominion University Research Foundation
P.O. Box 6369 / 800 West 46 Street; Norfolk, Virginia 23508-0369
(V) (804)-683-4293; (F) (804) 683-5290
(E) xxxxxx@pobox.hprf.odu.edu