Nancy Hutchinson asked:
>Does anyone out there know of agencies (federal, state, foundation) other
>than USIA that provide funding for students (either grad or undergrad,
>but perferably undergrad) to travel abroad to a host institution in a
>foreign country? I remember seeing programs to fund students for different
>activities/research but cannot remember the sources of funding for such
>endeavors, any ideas? Thanks in advance.
I believe the Institute for International Education (IIE), which has offices in
Washington,D.C. and New York City, is in charge of administering undergraduate
scholarships for study abroad, funded by the National Security Education
Program of the federal government. (The address/phone for this program is:
1400 K Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20005
IIE also administers grants for graduate study abroad. Contact IIE/New York,
U.S. Student Programs Division, (212)883-8200, for more information.
A few other grant programs that fund international study or research (although
they seem to target graduate or dissertation work) include:
U.S. Department of Education
Doctoral Dissertation Research Abroad
CONTACT: Karla VerBryck Block
Program Officer
U.S. Department of Education
Center on International Education Phone: 202/732-6073
400 Maryland Ave., SW
Provides six to 12 month fellowships for Ph.D. students in modern foreign
languages or related area studies to conduct dissertation research abroad
in order to gain expertise in world areas not widely included in American
curricula. Awards are made to institutions on behalf of Ph.D. candidates in
fields related to non-Western regions of the world who plan to teach at
U.S. institutions.
Academy for Educational Development
National Security Education Program: Fellowships
CONTACT: Lauren Manly
Coordinator, National Security Education Program
Academy for Educational Development
1255 23rd Street, NW Phone: 202/884-8700
Washington, DC 20050-7103
Two types of graduate fellowships will be administered by AED for the
National Security Education Program. Grants will be made to doctoral
candidates for study of critical foreign languages, disciplines, or areas
that will strengthen U.S. capacity in international education & those in
scientific disciplines seeking to internationalize their educational
experience. For academic year 1995-96, there is approximately $2.5 million
available. Institutions must submit applications for their selected
nominees by December 15.
Canadian Embassy
Canadian Studies Graduate Student Fellowship Program
CONTACT: Norman T. London
Academic Relations Officer
Canadian Embassy
Academic Relations Phone: 202/682-1740
501 Pennsylvania Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20001
Grants provide up to $850/month for up to nine months for graduate students
to conduct part of their doctoral research in Canada. Eligible fields are
the social sciences, business, the environment, journalism, humanities,
law, & fine arts with a relevance to Canada.
East-West Center
Joint-Doctoral Research Fellowships
CONTACT: June Hirano
Award Services Officer
East-West Center
1777 East-West Road Phone: 808/944-7735
Room 2066
Honolulu, HI 96848
Provides two-year stipend for disseration study on Asia & the Pacific at
the Center & in the field. Funds airfare to & from Honolulu. Particular
areas of interest include environmental management, domestic & comparative
political & economic development, demographic studies, energy & mineral
use, impact of telecommunications, ethnic studies, & curricula development
from kindergarten through higher education.
P.S. The previous items were excerpted from GrantSearch, offered as part of a
membership with the American Association of State Colleges and
Universities (AASCU), Office of Federal Programs. Other AASCU
institutions may be interested in this great resource!
Michele Sanchez
113 Stright Hall
Indiana University of Pennsylvania
Indiana, PA 15705-1087