Re: Hiring Process for Grant-Funded Employees Naegel, Gary P. 05 Sep 1995 13:26 EST

We really have two different processes to employ people on grants, all of
which are initially and ultimately administered through the departmental
business office.   Faculty are "appointed" (depending on rank) through our
faculty office.   New Ladder track position requests require the
identification of all funding sources (institutional and sponsored support)
for the duration of the appointment.  Research  faculty are also appointed
on a grant by Ladder track faculty (P.I.) after consultation with the
Business office for the appropriate source(s) of support, and supporting
"appointment documentation" to the faculty office.  Postdocs are also
appointed in this fashion, however,  may also present a Visa issue, which
involves the identification of the fund source to our Office of Foreign
Scholars and Students in order to process their immigration papers.   The
offer letters to research faculty contain the expected duration of funding
for those positions and the likelihood of continuation after that date (eg.
a candidate may need to apply for fellowship for support beyond x years).

All staff positions (both technical [union] and professional, full time &
part-time) are posted and advertised through the department of Human
Resources for all position openings.  The position requisition is again
formulated and initially signed off by the appropriate departmental business
office.   Those which are grant funded, are   so designated
and include the ending date, with perhaps,   the likelihood of continual
funding.     The eventual offer letter again defines these parameters.

Temporary positions are approved by the departmental business office with
the faculty P.I. which administers their weekly payroll.

Gary P. Naegel
Administrator, Pharmacology
Yale School of Medicine
333 Cedar Street  P.O. 208066
New Haven, CT  06520-8066
(203) 785-4373
FAX: (203) 785-7670


From: Barbara Gray
To: Multiple recipients of list RESADM-L
Subject: Hiring Process for Grant-Funded Employees
Date: Tuesday, September 05, 1995 1:32PM

We employ both "full-time" and "temporary" personnel on grants.  All sign a
"no funds, no job" statement.  We are trying to figure out the least
cumbersome way to do the appointment process.  I would like to know what
kinds of approval signatures are required at your institution (P.I.,
department chair, dean, VP, Provost, President, budget office, grants&
contracts, sponsored programs, etc.). --and in what order they are to be
obtained--for the hiring of grant personnel.  Thanks in advance for the

Barbara H. Gray                             
Director of Sponsored Programs                        Phone:  (803) 953-5673
University of Charleston, SC                          FAX:    (803) 953-1434
66 George Street
Charleston, SC 29424-0001