Re: table Glenda Luecke 23 Aug 1995 11:55 EST


On Monday I sent out a request to the bulletin board requesting copies of
existing faculty guides for proposal submission and award processing.  I am
in the process of preparing one for my university and wanted to use the
existing ones for reference.

It was suggested that everyone bring  a copy of their guide to be placed on
a table at the Annual Meeting so that interested people could take a look
at them and make copies if they wanted.  I think it is a great idea but
have concerns about copy machine availability (and cost).   It may be
easier to have interested individuals put a copy of their business cards
with the requested guide and hopefully the owner will send the requested
copies out when they return to their offices.  Since most of these guides
are preprinted at the institution (or available on WWW), this solution may
be much more cost effective and cause less problems at the meeting.


 Glenda A. Luecke, Coordinator        Voice:  (314)341-4135
 Office of Research Services           Fax:    [314]341-4126
 University of Missouri-Rolla          EMail:
 101 ME Annex
 Rolla, MO  65401