Uncl: Debarment and Suspension Certification Joyce McAlexander 23 Aug 1995 10:40 EST

 Joyce McAlexander
 Sponsored Programs Department
 Ext. 5730 / Fax Ext. 5052

You can subscribe to the Lists of Parties Excluded from Federal Procurement or
Nonprocurement Programs through the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Gov't
Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402.  Reference Stock #722-002-00000-8.
Their phone number is (202) 512-1800.  The Lists of Parties is electronically
available through GSA's Excluded Parties Lists (EPL).  For information on how
to access the system, call Ms. Natalie Jones (202) 501-4873 or Ms. Priscilla
Owens (202) 501-4740.  We refer to the printed list frequently.  Good luck!

California Polytechnic State University Foundation
San Luis Obispo, CA  93407
Telephone (805) 756-5730 / Fax (805) 756-5052
e-mail: xxxxxx@oasis.calpoly.edu