SRA - Virginia Chapter Meeting - 9/14/95 Bob Wolfson 21 Aug 1995 09:34 EST

SRA - Virginia Chapter Meeting

The third semi-annual chapter meeting of SRA Virginia will be held on
September 14, 1995 at Virginia Commonwealth Uuniversity, Richmond,
Virginia.  These one-day professional educational forums are low cost
($25 per person) and currently open to all interested parties.  Topics for
the September 14 meeting include:

 1.     Discussion with Geoffrey E. Grant, Grants Policy Officer,
 Office of Extramural Research, NIH;
 2.     Doing more with less;
 3.     Use of state university labs by commercial firms;
 4.     Focus group for small schools;
 5.     An introduction to the World Wide Web.

For more information, contact:

Roberta A. Nixon
VA-SRA President
University of Virginia
Director for Research Development
Phone: 804-924-6261


Bob E. Wolfson
VA-SRA President Elect
ODU Research Foundation
Executive Director
Phone:  804-683-4293