Noncompetitive awards from DOE
Peter Dolce 18 Aug 1995 09:34 EST
From time to time I check the Department of Energy's
announcements of noncompetitive awards in the Federal Register.
Usually these are modest, say under $100,000, but the large
number of them surprises me; and recently FR annoucnced a
cooperative agreement with one school for $33 million over 5
years, with $22 million coming from DOE. Our office preaches the
gospel of competition to faculty members, but I would like to
hear from anybody who knows how such awards come about; would
also like to know whether any sponsored programs officers or
university execs (or federal execs)have misgivings, ethical or
otherwise, about pursuing such awards.
Peter J. Dolce
Director, Research Support Services
Meharry Medical College
P 615 327 6703
F 625 327 6738